2013 Goal Recap

Do you set goals for yourself? Are you a resolution maker? For a few years I tried to make New Year resolutions and they always lasted a week or two. For whatever reason, the idea of setting a goal over a whole year is much less pressure. For the last few years I have kept my goals in my mind, but this year I’ve decided to write them down. This year, my goals were:

1. Keep the kid alive to one year of age.

Check. We made it from this:


to this.


So yep I think we did a good job thanks

2. Read 10 quality books.

Check, and double check. I read a lot of good books this year and probably doubled that goal.

3. Run a half marathon with my mom and sister.


I like to run at least one race a year, but this was the longest race I’d run.

To recap: Training was a lot of fun, the race was a b, and I came in at 1:58:something.  People say “wow, that’s amazing that you ran a half marathon!” and I think ten thousand other people did the same thing that am which kind of takes away that unique snowflake feeling… My mom trailed me by a mere 6 minutes which is the only reason I need to run another one (maybe) and solidify my lead on her. Not competitive.

4. Spend more time reading the Bible, and in more depth. – I was struggling with this. It’s hard to carve out that time being home all day with a little one, but it’s essential.  I joined a BSF bible study in Sept and I have been really glad for the structure. Plus, it has come with the extra benefit of getting to know some remarkable women better, and (!) our missions organization will count it as bible course credit.

Next time we’ll talk about goals for 2014. Hold onto your pants because I know you are ex-cited.

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